Why you use Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed in the 18th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, which approaches good health in a holistic way – taking account of the whole person, and not only the symptom or ‘disease’. The fundamental principle is that ‘like cures like’ – leading us to select a remedy made from a natural substance which would produce the very symptoms being shown, but in a tiny dose which has been ‘potentised’ to be effective. An easy example might be that a homeopathic dose of onions (allium) could help someone who has watering eyes and a streaming nose – because we all know that’s exactly what an onion will do to you if you have no symptoms at all.

The homeopathic approach

Homeopathic medicine approaches disease and remedies from a totally different standpoint to conventional or “allopathic” medicine. It can be practised by qualified medical professionals including doctors, dentists and even veterinary surgeons, but it can also be safely used in the home. Many people choose this approach for every-day family ailments, with a homeopathic ‘first aid kit’ or remedies bought at health stores and pharmacies.

Conventional or allopathic medicine works against the disease and its symptoms using “anti” drugs – you’ll be familiar with vocabulary which talks about ‘fighting’ disease or ‘killing’ pain. Using homoeopathy, by contrast, we are seeing the symptoms as the body’s attempt to heal itself – perhaps needing help, but of a gentle and supportive kind. Homeopathy treats an individual with a specific set of symptoms, rather than battling a disease. Put simply, it is why a remedy is given, not what is given.

How does it work?

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own natural healing capacity. The remedy triggers the body’s own healing forces and so a remedy is prescribed on a very individual basis. A homoeopath will note physical, mental and emotional symptoms, together with all the factors that make the person feel better or worse. Is the pain better with cold or heat? Does the person feel worse if they move or sit still? From an extensive picture of the person, a homoeopath can then select a remedy which matches the picture and which would, if given to a completely well person, create the same set of symptoms.

Of course, this is a very simplified explanation – the theory and philosophy of homeopathy is far more complex. But such extensive knowledge is not essential for people to use over-the-counter homeopathic medicines at home and for simple ailments. If you do experience complex, persistent or worrying symptoms then please seek the advice of a doctor who specialises in homeopathy.

What can I use homeopathy for?

Homeopathy can be used to treat the same wide range of illness as conventional medicine, and may even prove successful when all other forms of treatment have failed. For minor, self-limiting conditions, use a self-help guide or website guidance to choose a remedy at the counter of a health store or pharmacy. For more serious conditions, professional advice should always be sought.

Homeopathic medicine has stood the test of time, used for over 200 years and the fact that the remedies are widely used on animals dismisses the idea that the success of a treatment is all in the mind. Animals treated homeopathically cannot ‘believe’ in the remedy or will themselves better. It is simply an effective system of medicine.

How should I take the medicines?

Most homeopathic medicines come as a small tablet, which should be allowed to dissolve or chewed in a clean mouth, half an hour before or after eating. It is best not to handle the tablets, but to tip them into the bottle cap and then drop them in the mouth. Weleda also makes liquids, powders, pillules and granules, which should be put into a clean mouth – unless otherwise stated.